Dr. (Mrs.) Faustina Emefa Agordah is an accomplished academic, master trainer, mentor, and researcher focusing on curriculum development, implementation issues, and skills acquisition and utilisation in fashion. Her educational background includes a bachelor's degree in Home Economics, a Master of Education in Home Economics (Clothing) from the University of Education Winneba, Master of Philosophy in Home Economics (Clothing) from the University of Cape Coast, and PhD in Fashion Design and Marketing from Kenyatta University. Dr. Agordah is also a professional milliner actively involved in the fashion industry. She is conducting a comparative study as a principal investigator in the Ghana Codesria Higher Education Programme Grant. Additionally, she has contributed to the field by publishing book chapters and scholarly papers in refereed journals. Her publication can be traced to ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7340-1265


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Senior Lecturer



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